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Honors and Awards

Bayard High School Traditions:

The highlight of Awards Day at Bayard High School is the passing of the school's traditions awards.  Traditionally, the graduating senior who holds the award passes it down to the junior who will hold the honor as a senior.  Since we didn't get to have an awards day this spring, we would like to recognize the seniors who now hold these honors.  

Honor Yoke--Worn by the senior class president since 1918.  This year's honoree is Grace Burry.

Book of Knowledge--Held by the senior with the highest GPA.  This year's honoree is Megan Cawley.  

Spirit Award--Awarded to the senior who most represents the spirit of Bayard High School, as voted on by the previous senior class.  This year's honoree is Daemon Avilez.

Athletic Letter--Voted on by the previous senior class, it is awarded to the senior with who has contributed the most to athletics at Bayard High School.  This year's honoree is Jack Kildow.


Believers & Achievers Awards:

Believers & Achievers is a state-wide program, sponsored by US Bank and the Nebraska State Activities Association that recognizes future leaders from across Nebraska.  The program is designed to recognize excellence in academics and participation in NSAA activities, as well as a commitment to citizenship, school involvement, and community projects.  This year's nominees from Bayard High School are Grace Burry, Megan Cawley, and Christian Leonard.

Click below for a link to our slideshow:

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